
そして私たち methodは、デザインや工芸、美術、ファッション、美容、果ては食に至るまで、 あらゆる領域で産み出されるモノ、また、モノを産み出すヒトと密接に関わりながら、店づくりを中心に、日々、様々な仕事をしています。


Method (n.) A technique, process, systematic procedure, order, way, or mode of operation, inquiry, or classification.

Method Inc. engages in a variety of activities revolving around store design. We work closely with producers in every field—from design to art, crafts, fashion, cosmetics, and food—handling products of every genre.

We work to contribute to the creation, development, and maturation of culture through objects of value that are available on the market. At times, this includes striving to save and preserve culture. To these ends, we are constantly asking what is necessary to sustain the ecology of a product.

We believe that the preservation of diverse product ecologies lies at the heart of value and cultured living in contemporary society. As such, we will continue to approach the physical objects around us with purpose, sincerity, and aesthetic principles.
山田遊(バイヤー / キュレーター)

南青山のIDÉE SHOPのバイヤーを経て、2007年、method(メソッド)を立ち上げ、フリーランスのバイヤーとして活動を始める。現在、株式会社メソッド代表取締役。

2013年「別冊Discover Japan 暮らしの専門店」が、エイ出版社より発売。
2014年「デザインとセンスで売れる ショップ成功のメソッド」が、誠文堂新光社より発売。


これまでの主な仕事に、国立新美術館ミュージアムショップ「スーベニアフロムトーキョー」、「21_21 DESIGN SIGHT SHOP」、「GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA」、「made in ピエール・エルメ」、「燕三条 工場の祭典」などがある。
Yu YAMADA (Buyer, Curator)

Born in Tokyo.
After working as a buyer for Idée Shop in Minami-Aoyama, Yamada founded Method in 2007 and began working as a freelance buyer. He is currently the representative of Method Inc.

In 2013, Yamada was featured in a special issue of the popular Japanese magazine Discover Japan, titled “Kurashi no Senmonten: Yu Yamada’s Tokyo Shopping Guide” (Ei Publishing).
In 2014, Yamada published The Method of Shop Success (Seibundo Shinkosha).

Yamada works extensively as a judge for various competitions, including the Good Design Award, and is active as a lecturer for educational institutions and local industries.

His past works include: The National Art Center Tokyo Museum Shop (“Souvenir from Tokyo”), the 21_21 Design Sight Shop, the Good Design Store Tokyo by Nohara, Made in Pierre Hermé Marunouchi, and the Tsubame-Sanjo Factory Festival.